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What Ingredients to Avoid in Shampoo for Color Treated Hair

What Ingredients to Avoid in Shampoo for Color Treated Hair?

If you have color in your hair, you need a shampoo that works to preserve it while washing the oil, sweat and product residue off your hair. 

Color-safe products are not a myth, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. There is a perfectly legit reason why hair care companies market their products as color-safe. 

Shampoos and conditioners normally have a list of ingredients that loosen the color molecules in the hair letting them slip away with every wash, just like the dirt and oil in it. The products that are formulated for color treated hair are bereft of those chemicals. That ensures that the dye lasts longer. 

In this blog, we will cover those ingredients that you don’t want in your hair products when your hair is colored and those that you want to avoid by all means anyway. 

So, let’s find out what ingredients to avoid in shampoo for color treated hair

Ingredients That Are No-No for Color Treated Hair

The first thing to avoid in shampoos and other haircare products are sulfates. These chemicals have been linked to cancer in some. Another item that deserves special mention in this context is parabens. 

Commonly found in drugstore shampoos and often in high-end haircare items, both parabens and sulfates are pretty abrasive and contribute to lightening of hair color. These are at the top of the list of ingredients to avoid in shampoo for colored hair.

Moving on, alcohol is the enemy of hair and hair color. It’s surprising how often companies notwithstanding, end up including it in their products. The rising demand for hair volume and body from hair products is the reason. 

So, the next time you grab a volumizing product from the shelf, beware of these ingredients.

Prolonged use of a shampoo with alcohol in it will not only strip away the color quickly, but also make your hair dull, dry and brittle.

Do not confuse these aforementioned alcohols with use full fatty type alcohols like cetearyl and benzyl alcohol which are ingredients that are beneficial for product penetration and other aspects of products used for hair and skin care. They can be natural and like benzyl alcohol may not be considered  alcohol at all.

Watch Out For These Offenders in Your Hair Products

There is a bunch of other offenders that often end up in shampoos, conditioners and serums that you want to keep out of your hair. 

These are polysorbates, triclosan, sodium chloride, formaldehyde, Cocamidopropyl Betaine and Retinyl Palmitate. 

None of these chemicals are good for your skin or nails, much less your hair. Their toxicity levels are too high to be marked safe to use. 

Click here to find a range of fully affordable color-safe, natural hair care products that are free of these harmful chemicals.  

Make the Color Last Long in Your Hair with These Everyday Tips 

There are also some easy ways to make your hair color stay longer. Some things you can do to that end are as follows.

Wait as long as you can before washing off your hair after dying. The more time you give it, the better the color settles in your hair. So, hold it out an extra hour next time than you normally do to see better results.

Picking a color safe shampoo or knowing what shampoo ingredients are bad for color treated hair isn’t enough to make the color stay. You also need to avoid hot water for washing your hair. Heat causes the hair strands to relax making the color wash away easily. So, adjust the shower to lukewarm, if not cool when washing colored hair. The temperature helps stabilize the color better. 

The Safest Ingredients for Long Lasting Hair Color

When looking for the safest ingredients for long-lasting hair color, it's important to consider options that use well-regulated, synthetic coloring agents, as well as plant-based ingredients. Some commonly recommended hair color ingredients for their safety and effectiveness include:

Henna: Henna is a natural plant-based dye that has been used for centuries to color hair. It is considered safe and gentle for most people, although it may not provide as wide a range of color options compared to synthetic dyes.

Biotin: Biotin is a commonly used ingredient in hair products, including those formulated for lasting hair color. It is a B-vitamin that helps to strengthen and protect the hair, and it may also support healthy hair growth. According to the Cosmetic Ingredient Review Expert Panel, biotin is Generally Recognized as Safe when used in cosmetic product.

Vegetable-based dyes: Certain plant-based ingredients, such as chamomile and senna, can be used to create natural hair color. These dyes are often milder and less damaging to the hair compared to synthetic alternatives.

PPD-free dyes: PPD (paraphenylenediamine) is a compound commonly found in permanent hair color and has been associated with potential allergic reactions. Choosing PPD-free options or those with low levels of PPD can be a safer choice.

Low-toxicity synthetic dyes: Some hair color brands use synthetic dyes that are well-regulated and have lower toxicity levels. These dyes are formulated to minimize potential harm while delivering long-lasting color.

It's important to note that individual sensitivities and allergies can vary, so it's always a good idea to do a patch test before using any hair color product. Additionally, consulting with a professional hairstylist who specializes in natural or organic hair color can provide personalized recommendations and guidance.

Always use a gentle shampoo for your hair. The Natural Biotin Shampoo is an excellent pick for dyed hair. It’s gentle, adequately foamy and color safe, just the type that fits everyday use.
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