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Traction Alopecia, Causes and Treatments

Traction Alopecia, Causes and Treatments

Can You Regrow Hair That Fell Out From Traction Alopecia?

Traction Alopecia – reversible or not? Know more.

Hair loss is a widespread problem all age groups men and women are facing these days. The cause of hair loss is vast – hereditary, genetic issues, medication, chemicals, use of wrong products, ignoring hair care, and more. It can become tricky to identify the real reason for hair loss.

You must seek hair specialists before starting any remedial measure. Alopecia is the medical term given for hair loss. Traction alopecia is one type of hair loss that many people encounter but don’t understand the reason and ways to reverse it.

Understanding traction alopecia

Traction alopecia is a type of hair loss condition that is not because of any hereditary problems or deficiency in the body. Traction alopecia is due to the straining of the hair follicles because of tight hairstyles. Continuous pulling of the hair too tight to create different hairstyles weakens the hairs from its roots. This eventually damages the follicles, resulting in hair loss. is biotin and collagen shampoo good for hair

Tight ponytails, braiding, deadlock, and pulling the hair back tight are some of the common reasons for traction hair loss. Wearing tight headgears like helmets is also the reason for traction alopecia. The use of hair extensions and the chemical to attach these are the common cause of traction hairline recede.

Traction hair loss can happen to anyone at any age and on any part of the head. Some of the common signs of traction alopecia are:

  • Pimple and redness in the affecting area
  • Sever to mild itch and ulcers on the scalp
  • Hairline receding and thinness of hair
  • Broken hair and scarring of the scalp
  • Patches of the shiny scalp and hairline reducing

But now the question arises - Can you regrow hair that fell out from traction alopecia? YES! You can and you must act immediately to reverse the damage.

Not just you but even famous people like Victoria Beckham were once struggling with hair loss issues. Some celebrities like Christina Aguilera and Jade Pinkett Smith also suffer from traction alopecia. Prolong use of chemicals and hair extensions ruins the roots and damages them permanently. Patchy hair loss and receding hairline are some of the common issues that celebrities are suffering from.

Methods to regrow the hair loss from traction alopecia

The foremost remedy you must do is stop tying the hair very tight and ditch the bands and braiding tools. Avoid using any hair item that pulls the hair excessively. Seek the specialist immediately to ascertain the extent of damage and the possibilities of reversing it.

Be gentle on your hair and do not always keep it tightly tied. Maintain a healthy routine of haircare. Use a chemical-free range of toiletries and hair products. Try biotin hair growth shampooBiotin Conditioner With Keratin, DHT Blocker Spray and speak to your dermatologist and hair expert to understand the possibilities of reversing hair loss and preventing further damage.

You may have to use the medication for a longer time as the reversing of baldness takes a few months to recover. You can try a combination of remedies that includes tropical application with drugs that can cleanse your system and remove the possible deficiencies. Using Biotin Xtreme Hair Care reduces hair loss to a considerable extent.

For permanent damage to hair follicles that result in no further hair growth, you can do have to dishearten. You can tri hair transplant, tropical wigs, and bespoke hair patches to cover baldness.


Hope this answer’s your query - Does hair loss from traction alopecia grow back? Do not dishearten about hair loss remember that diagnosis and treatment at the right stage can change the situation. Get a counseling session to cope with the emotional stress you encounter with hair loss.

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